Bully, known in Europe as "Canis Canem Edit", is a
Rockstar Games cult classic.
when released in back in 2005, it recieved heavy backlash.
This was due to the premis of the game being to run around a school campus and bully people.
The game takes place at Bullworth Acadamy, you can run around surrounding areas with in Bullworth town.
You play as Jimmy Hopkins, a boy known for starting fights and never conforming to rules.
As Jimmy you work your way up the school ranks by pranking, beating, and humilating various fractions of BullWorth Acadamy.
Bullworth's Mascot is a red bull, Jimmy can aquire the mascot outfit through the game's story.
The school's motto is Canis Canem Edit, which is latin for Dog Eat Dog.
Jimmy Hopkins-
"Nice to know there is a violent, crazy old man on campus"